the end of an era is getting neara


Victoria is a Public health researcher- trying to rid the world of Malaria one mosquito at a time. Simon is an engineer. some things just have to be broken before they can be fixed.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

a series of lasts

i can't stop myself from thinking of the potential of some of my weekly experiences being the last i ever do them. Tonight was my last student bible study group. I've had my last regular sunday morning service at highfields. Tomorrow is my last CU. This could be my last whole week in cardiff ever. To end on a happy note the last exam of my degree (and also incidentally the hardest and most unnecessary) is on thursday. Hoorah. About time too!

A small notice- a cry for help:

one willing volunteer to help clean an activity centre, cook meals for a school group and generally have a great time serving in the fine Snowdonia nirvana that is the Ranch Outdoor Discovery centre. All expenses paid. They just need the help. Desperately. Can you help?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Doodles and drawings

I found an old doodle in my notes. It brings back fond memories of the first 4 years of my degree where every lecture was spent seeking out hidden puns in the hand-outs or finding the double meanings in what the lecturer was saying. When i say 4 years i actually do mean that i never once listened properly to a whole lecture- something always stole my attention...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

beautiful eyes

well i sailed through my Quality and Reliability Engineering exam today(!) It was probably helped by the pre- exam cram where we watched kids TV- did you know that the terrible lizard, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, according to it's social and activity patterns, only needed to eat the equivalent of one man every 5 days. Crazy. Just don't ask me how i got that into an essay question about the Consumer Protection act 1987.

On a different note my eyes are all teary after a young lady told me i had beautiful eyes.
Well, that's not strictly true. My eyes are teary due to the contact lens trial i'm currently undertaking, and the lady optician said something more along the lines of "your eyes are healthy". Great. I'm just not allowed to sleep with them in because they'll land me in A&E or somethin'.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

All the protein you need

anyone for a glass of ants?
they're very good at washing up, if a bit inefficient

Friday, May 12, 2006

the end if an era is hera

well. i guess that's it. Had my last lecture ever today. Went out last night to a farewell end-of-course- dinner in which the lecturers were wasted before the meal began. Great fun if you didn't have any respect for them in the first place. Jono and i thought we'd milk their insobriety by plying them for drinks. It backfired when all that was offered was a round of tequila slammers. Remember- salt...tequila...lemon.
Not that i'm advocating the excess consumption of spirits, but what fun it was to see one lecturer, Keith, get it in the wrong order, and Karen-the-newly-made-professor realise that after buying a round for our table, she'd have to do the same for the other 40 attendees of the meal! ho ho.

Tonight saw our team's return to Cymmer in the Rhondda valleys to run our youth group- quite well attended and behaved which was a blessing.

Signing off cos Rocky Horror's just starting...

Monday, May 01, 2006

my trip to the hills

three days
two nights
5 bananas
2 Malt Loaves
one tescos cooked hot and spicy sausage
3 servings of cheddar and onion smash
2 sachets of instant custard
one packet fresh pasta
two gas bottles
one cooker
one tent

with 8 of my friends
in the hills.
Enjoying creation at its finest
Notice the lack of visibility due to the mist.