the end of an era is getting neara


Victoria is a Public health researcher- trying to rid the world of Malaria one mosquito at a time. Simon is an engineer. some things just have to be broken before they can be fixed.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

albino squirrel

the title says it all. It's been visiting our garden for a while. My Dad won't let me trap and skin it. I think it will make nice warm slippers.

my new car

look what i bought. Isn't she beautiful.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

my new girlfriend

i got a very flattering card this weekend:

from my niece-in-law. bless.

Friday, April 14, 2006

a day on the water

he manages it- although was nearly swayed by a day of watching non-stop scrubs on abc, he got the energy together to paddle to langstone, a few villages along the coast- He left before high tide (meaning it was a struggle all the way there) and into the wind but managed to get to his friends house in good time for lunch. Then he entertained his friend's daughter with a quick spin around langstone harbour before catching the tide back in. tiring but beautiful. Roll on summer!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

bank Holiday

i'm looking forward to the bank holiday. I'm warming up my canoe in anticipation...

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Me on Radio 4

I hope you all listened to the morning service on Radio 4 cos my church Highfields in Cardiff was on air live to the nation. Catch it on Listen again
You may be able to hear me snore cos i was up quite early after a long day yesterday.